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"Social Entrepreneurship e-Syllabus" is an educational digital path designed for students on e-competences framework for entrepreneurship, in the framework of the" European

Entrepreneurship Competences" that every student should possess.

The Output 3 is a path framework that will be deployed on the e-platform with digital tools and content usable 24h of 24 from tablet, smartphone, PC to mobilise entrepreneurial skills

anywhere, one or in groups, beyond the boundaries of ' classroom.

The modules will be 7.

They are designed on the 8 basic skills essential to become a social entrepreneurship for the 21 st century: recognizing unjust social issues and also the environment issues,

identifying business opportunities in green economy and social cohesion, creativity, Inspiring change through participation, taking direct action, public speaking, fighting adversity,

solving problems.

In each module there is a section of Jobish (Job+ English), in which the student increases English Skills, in the field of employability and career guidance. English is the simplification

tool and reinforced in the globalisation of the employability.

Each module consists of:

1) Introduction in social entrepreneurship will contain e-lessons in:

  • concept of the entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, green economy, social cohesion.

  • Differences between social entrepreneurship and classic business. Examples.

  • Exercises for establishing the differences between social enterprise versus classic business, charity projects, map of (social) business.

2) Profile of the social entrepreneurship will contain:

  • a map of knowledge, skills and competences of the social entrepreneur, competences in green economy and, also, in social cohesion.

  • Exercises for identifying the profile of the social entrepreneur, reflexive exercises to identify the personal qualities in social entrepreneurship. The e- diagram of knowledge and

  • competences, examples of the renowned social entrepreneurs from local area or from international level, video interview with social entrepreneurs.

3) The models of solving problems of the communities through social entrepreneurship in green economy and social cohesion will contain

  • study cases about the success social enterprises- mission, products/services, target group, etc.

  • learning new knowledge units, realized in multimedia format (videos, simulation of social business plan, etc.) about social issues and sustainable environment, that capture attention

  • and increase student interest of involvement in social entrepreneurship, facilitate civic attitude, leadership, empathy, confidence, etc.;

  • Examples of tasks performed, animated and accompanied by images, short animated video;

4) Tool-kit for developing a social business plan-Canvas model for developing ideas of social business, plan of social business in Green economy, in social cohesion

5) tool- kit for developing a marketing strategy: advertising, marketing plan, funds collection, etc. Different approaches in green economy, in social cohesion.

There will be a collection of the models of business plan with helping questions for developing a social business plan, animated materials for advertising, examples of marketing plan, etc.

6)Section "My social enterprise" is a section for share the best practices in social entrepreneurship with a collection of social business plan. All developed business plans during the project implementation will be presented in this section.

7)Digital Exercises for certifying types of abilities in social entrepreneurship, personal qualities in this topic. There will the batteries of least 10 questions with various types: multiple choice, word association and /or figures, open-ended questions, complex issues for a better verifying the skills, qualities, competences in the field of social entrepreneurship.

How to use

Students log in "Students future" PLATFORM cloud using e-career card, thanks to their access profile.

They start 'exploration on path e-learning "Social Entrepreneurship e-Syllabus".

The digital learning path allows students to achieve certification of 7th Key Competence "Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship".

The student to obtain certification have to complete 60 hours of workload / study and pass for over 60% of the questions provided by the 7 tests of 7 modules; the feedback of the

results shall be communicated at the end of each module.

The certification "e-social entrepreneur_card_7 Modules User" certifies the skills of students, what they are able to do with what they have learned, in an objective and neutral, by

strengthening CAPABILITIES / Skill.

The Social Entrepreneurship E-Syllabus will be used in each partner school during the entrepreneurship lessons, in master or optional lessons. During the project implementation will be developed a strategy at the partnership level to use this intellectual output as a open tool for developing 7th Key Competence "Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship" for the

future generation.